The New Normal/Not Business as Usual

If you are a hard-charging person, a Type A person, you make objectives, goals, you are ambitious.

So how does the “Covid Context” interact with your style?

Well you have to be careful so that you are not trapped by the very thing that propels you to success-perfectionism, high standards.

You have to watch out for uour control issues, not just planning but having an agenda for the outcome.

I’m not saying that you have to abandon your focused, perhaps even some OCD flavor approach to your life but this pandamic, consuming health crisis is a wakeup call that in order to survive it, to cope with it, maybe even flourish despite it, we must have a willingness to be flexible and change our old ways of doing things.

Covid will trip you up:

  • Stress and worry
  • Working from home
  • Interuptions and distractions
  • The tv
  • Wife
  • Husband
  • Computer problems
  • The dogs in the room
  • Personal phone calls
  • Lack of exercise routine
  • Loss of your routines
  • Sleep and waking our changes

And it is Ok to be tripped up!!!!!!!

Be patient and generous with yourself

You will still get done what you really need to do.

It means changing your internal narrative about accomplishing your daily agenda, weekly agenda, monthly agenda.

In my next blog I will discuss what are specific steps you can take to cope with the stress generated by the “Age of Covid.”

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